Πέμπτη 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Changes changes CHANGES!!

...new blog design...

New blog design..

..my notes about the new blog decoration..


..and new haiiir ♥♥

Fuxia haiiir!!

I loove them!!


I can be really silly when I take alone my own photos!!xexe
So,as you can see I needed some changes to cheer me up...hope you like them...

Το αστείο γεγονός που κρύβεται πίσω από τα φούξια μαλλιά είναι η γιαγιά μου!!Στην αρχή είχα αποφασίσει να τα βάψω μπλε!Αλλά όταν της το είπα τι γύρισε και μου λέει??"Μα τα μπλε μαλλιά δεν θα πηγαίνουν με τα ρούχα που έχεις!!"Και εκεί ήταν που πέθανα στα γέλια!!Σαν "μεγάλος"άνθρωπος που είναι η γιαγιά μου (εντάξει δεν είναι και πολύ μεγάλη,72 χρονών είναι,απλά ξέρετε τα "παλιά" μυαλά πώς σκέφτονται!!) περίμενα να μου πει κατι του στυλ "τι είναι αυτά τα πράγματα,άκου εκεί μπλε μαλλιά κτλ κτλ..",ξέρετε τώρα τι λένε!Και μόλις ακούω ότι το επιχείρημά της για να μην τα βάψω μπλε αλλά ένα άλλο χρώμα ήταν επειδή δεν ταιριάζουν με την γκαρνταρόμπα μου...ε,δεν μπορούσα παρά να την ακούσω,έτσι δεν είναι???xexexexexe

The funny story behind my new fuxia hair was that at the beginning I wanted to make them BLUE...but when I said it to my grandma she answered me "But blue hair doesn't match with your clothes"!!xaxaxaxxa!!I didn't expect that from all the things she could tell me she chose this one!!It was soooo hilarious!!!So,you get that she "had a point" so I couldn't do anything else but listen to her...xixixixixi

Love you all!!

Love you all my friends!!

Πέμπτη 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

New things and maiiiil day!

My latest creations are these little rings.I was preparing an order and
I happen to have some more Liquid Glass so I made fastly these 3 rings..♥♥!!
What do you think??

The "Tea time" ring

Let's drink some tea...

Tea tiiiime

Tea time ring!

The "Aristocats" ring (from the Aristocat Polly Pocket in these photos)

Aristocats ring

The Aristocats

The Aristocats ring!

and the "bubble tea" ring

Bubble tea ring!

Macaroon and bubble tea ring!

Bubble tea anyone?

(the bubble tea from polymer clay is not my original idea..
I just have seen it a looot of times in a looot of photos on the internet
and I wanted to make one too)

So today was a Super Mail dayyy!My morning started somehow like this...

and it continued like that...

because when I came back home from work my mailbox was FULL!And you can imagine my joy when I saw all these envelopes with my name on them just waiting for me to open them...

Super maiiiil day!!

Fabrics and vintage playing cards from Etsy,3 books and nail effects from Ebay...all miiiine..xexexe!!!I looove to shop from the internet ♥♥!!

What is the last thing you bought from the inernet??The enthusiasm while you're waiting your package isn't the best feeling?I would love too hear your opinion!!


Δευτέρα 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Jewellery outfit

Since all summer I didn't have time to create(so I don't have many creation-posts)
but I was getting dressed anyway to go to work I have a looot of jewellery outfits to show you...
so here we are...

Vests and lace is a combination that I can't resist and this is one of my favorites!The necklace is a Happy Kathy piece from my spring-summer 2011 collection!The special thing of this necklace is the handmade crochet motif..which I am extremely proud of because I spend a lot of months trying to learn how to crochet!Aunts and grandmothers all they were trying to teach me but they were moving their fingers sooo fast and I just couldn't understand what they were doing!I was telling them to slow down a little but you know how elder people are..they were making one slow move and then the rest in fast forward!I was so disappointed..So,one day I decided to visit youtube and write something about crochet and see the results...and believe it or not I learn how to crochet from youtube!LOL...(xaxaxaxaxa)
